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How Do I Stop Procrastinating?

Writer's picture: Josie CocoJosie Coco

Procrastination - a feeling that depletes your motivation, drains your enthusiasm, and shuts down your ability to take useful action. It's your reaction to a feeling that is generated when your task connects with an old story that you're holding onto and you may not even be aware of it.

The solution is to bring you back into alignment with your natural “drive to thrive”.

Procrastination is a coping strategy to cope with a situation that is uncomfortable for you. It’s your form of resistance. It’s an obstacle to your success.

You are out of alignment with your natural “drive to thrive”! A drive that propels you towards that which is good for you, that which is most alive and expansive for you.

How Do I Stop Procrastinating

What Are Your Stories

Those underlying feelings are connected to stories of events and circumstances captured and stored in your body during the course of your life, waiting there to be triggered each and every time a similar situation presents itself.

  • It could be a story about an acceptable work ethic that you don’t feel you can reach.

  • Your value may be linked to completing certain types of tasks. You may not want to have to prove yourself all the time.

  • You might have stories about your ability to succeed in certain situations, or your inability to complete certain types of activities.

  • You may feel that you have no choices in the type of work you are doing.

  • You may have a history of unsuccessful attempts and you don’t want to experience that again.

  • You may hold a story with fear of getting it wrong, not doing a good enough job, not measuring up.

  • You may even have a deep inner felt feeling that you can’t put your finger on, but it doesn’t feel good, and worrying about this task makes it feel so much worse.

Procrastination Happens When Your Story is Triggered

Your body holds these stories as dense complexes of energy and information, chemicals and hormones and physical changes.

When you connect with one of these stories you experience a reaction in your body to help you cope. That reaction is called PROCRASTINATION. It reduces fear, protects you from failure, or enables you to withdraw …and eventually leads to delayed action on something that you know needs your attention.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are not lazy.

Telling a team member to “stop procrastinating now!” does nothing to support them in overcoming this obstacle.

You are out of alignment with your natural “drive to thrive”!

Some Simple Strategies to Overcome Procrastination in the Short-Term

These are some of my favourite short-term strategies to get you through the task at hand:

  1. Forgive yourself for the time lost and disharmony created by your procrastination. It’s an important step.

  2. An energy psychology technique that will reset your brain and focus it on the task in front of you is the BodyTalk Cortices Technique. Do this technique before starting your task, and a few times throughout to retrain your brain for focus.

  3. Break the task into manageable chunks and focus on one chunk at a time. Get all the resources you need for that one chunk and just focus on that. Ask for help if you need it.

  4. Commit to do just the first 2 minutes of each broken down task. By starting this way, it is often enough to get you involved and to keep your going.

  5. Reward yourself with each step accomplished – a short walk, a cool drink, or some other simple reward to make you feel good.

Solutions to Stop Procrastination for the Long-Term

The solution is to bring you back into alignment with your natural “drive to thrive”.

Begin with aligning your tasks with the best available energies to support them throughout the day. That means scheduling your tasks in sync with your natural meridian energy flows.

Hint: 9am – 11am is Spleen Meridian time and the best time for work that requires concentration and focus.

Emotional triggers are so instantaneous that we miss the very thing that sets them off in the first place.

When you begin to experience that sinking feeling of not being able to pull yourself together to get that job done, sit with it and ask yourself 4 probing questions.

  1. What are these feelings?

  2. Where am I feeling them in my body?

  3. When in the past have I felt like this?

  4. What are the memories that are surfacing?

These questions will often give you a direct answer to the source of your procrastination trigger. And more often that not, just by coming into awareness of the story behind the procrastination will enable choices for change to emerge for you.

As you practise this simple enquiry process, you’ll begin to feel accomplished.

  • You’ll be more confident to deal with procrastination next time you experience it.

  • You’ll catch it early before you begin to feel stuck.

  • You’ll begin to make progress to minimize procrastination as an obstacle to your success in your future.

If you’re struggling to uncover those underlying stories that lead to procrastination, get some help.

SOLUTIONS BEYOND STRATEGIES is my Facebook community where you can explore where you are stuck. We're exploring procrastination, self-sabotage, lack of clarity, indecision and self-doubt as key barriers to success. Join us!

About me: Josie Coco

My work reveals how procrastination, self-sabotage, self-doubt, indecision, and lack of clarity show up, and keep you stuck. It enables you to readily release them so that you can show up for your business no matter what. I’m a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner of BodyTalk Consciousness-Based Energy Psychology and Health and Well-being Mentor. You are welcome to seek more information and work with me here.


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